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- Redon - Bains-sur-Oust Airport (LFER)
- Régina Airport (SOOR)
- Reims-Prunay Airport (LFQA)
- Rennes - Saint-Jacques Airport (LFRN)
- Rethel - Perthes Airport (LFAP)
- Revel - Montgey Airport (LFIR)
- Ribérac - Saint-Aulaye Airport (LFIK)
- Rion des Landes Airport (LFIL)
- Roanne - Renaison Airport (LFLO)
- Rochefort - Saint-Agnant Airport (LFDN)
- Rodez - Marcillac Airport (LFCR)
- Romans - Saint-Paul Airport (LFHE)
- Romorantin - Pruniers Airport (LFYR)
- Rouen Vallée de Seine Airport (LFOP)
- Royan - Médis Airport (LFCY)
- Ruoms Airport (LFHF)